Lynn Canyon Suspension Bridge

 ¿Qué ver en Lynn canyon suspension bridge, Vancouver?

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The Lynn Canyon Suspension Bridge is a popular tourist attraction located in North Vancouver, Canada. The bridge spans 50 meters across a deep canyon and offers stunning views of the surrounding forest and waterfalls.

The bridge is open daily from 10am to 5pm, and admission is free. However, a donation of $5 per person is encouraged to help support the upkeep and maintenance of the bridge and surrounding park.

The official website for the Lynn Canyon Suspension Bridge is, where visitors can find more information about the park, hiking trails, and other attractions in the area.

In addition to the bridge, there are several other things to see and do in the Lynn Canyon Park. The park offers over 1,500 acres of hiking trails, waterfalls, and scenic views. The Lynn Canyon Ecology Centre is a great place to learn about the local flora and fauna, and there are several picnic areas and swimming holes for visitors to enjoy.

The park is open year-round, with varying hours depending on the season. During the summer months, the park is open from 7am to 9pm, while in the winter months, it is open from 7am to 6pm.

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